Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Bleached It!

Hi Stampers,

For todays card, I wanted to show you how you can use regular household bleach, (even fresh flowers on your stamps. Of course, I also wanted to show you how terrible it looks when you continually have "afterthoughts" and screw up a perfectly good piece of cardstock because your aquapainter with red ink on it touches your cardstock...LOL.
Ok, on to the bleach.
I made a "bleach ink pad" by using a few paper towels in a paper plate, and adding enough bleach to make them kinda mushy. Not SUPER wet, but wet enough to get it on your stamp. Just stamp your stamp into the bleach pad just like you would a regular ink pad. Stamp it onto the paper, and the color starts to fade almost immediately. I tried this on several colors of cardstock, but for whatever reason, I decided to use the red one. I'm kinda a matchy type person, and since the blue paper went sorta yellowish and I didn't have something to match it I didnt use it. Same with another color blue...It's just the way I am...I cant help it. So, long story short, I went with the red. I also used the same stamp, and stamped it directly onto the naturals ivory cardstock. Can you see it at the bottom? You probably could see it better if THAT BIG ROUND SHADOW wasn't in the view. UGH! Anyhow, look closely. It's just subtle enough that it's there, but without a HUGE statement. I used the same stamp and bleached the red, and just punched them out with a 1 inch square punch. I layered them on a piece of Kiwi Kiss, then on to a piece of red that was punched with the scalloped square punch. Tada! Oh yeah, now for the afterthought part...I decided it would be cool to have some red speckles on the cardstock, just to give it something. Yep, it definately gave it something...mainly a big blob at the top right if you didn't already notice. If you look closely though, you can sorta see little red sprinkles all over. THAT was my plan, but as it is, if you turn your head to answer the phone, your aquapainter might just touch the cardstock and leave a mark...LOL. I prolly would never send this, now that it's totally trashed, but I'm thinking of a way to cover it up and make it work for my card. Let me know if you have any brilliant ideas and I'll post them here. In fact, lets make that the next challenge...How to fix a screw up!

Ok, now I"m rattling. I have another must make card for my anniversary, so I better get busy. Ya'll go Stamp Something!



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